Category Archives: Terrorism

Brussels Attacks are, Unfortunately, Not Surprising

Last week Saturday, a young Marine SSgt from Temecula California lost his life due to an ISIS Katyusha rocket attack against their firebase, several other Marines were injured. That same firebase was attacked by ISIS again on Monday. Now, you … Continue reading

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America faces terrifying new threat

This post previously appeared on “As reported by Fox News, “Iran is preparing to launch a new long-range rocket into outer space as soon as this weekend, U.S. officials told Fox News…Officials told Fox they have not seen this … Continue reading

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Obama announces Gitmo appeasement plan

President Obama’s plan to close the Guantanamo Bay terrorist detention facility is ill advised and is reflective of someone who is disconnected from the realities of global Islamic jihadism. Campaign promises should not form the basis for national security policy. The conflagration … Continue reading

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