Category Archives: Defense

Free Enterprise Is National Security

This originally appeared in my Townhall Column: “I am fond of saying the president seems to work harder for our adversaries than the country that elected him. But his myopic focus on appeasing the Cuban government has reached a level that … Continue reading

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*IMPORTANT* Congress Responds to Iranian missile test

BREAKING: Sen. Kelly Ayote’s has just “introduced legislation to impose tough primary and secondary sanctions on every sector of the Iranian economy that directly or indirectly supports Iran’s ballistic missile program.” The bill, I fear, may be coming a little … Continue reading

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NCPA Petition Making an Impact

Thanks to your help, changes are coming to Washington that align with our Provide for the Common Defense Now!  petition. As you know, we one of our five points involves reforming the “military acquisition and research and development process to eliminate … Continue reading

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Why is Russia pulling out of Syria?

Vladimir Putin is redeploying some forces out of Syria because they achieved their military objectives, strengthened Iran’s position in the region, and kept Assad in power.  Expect the leader of Russia to now turn his attention to Eastern Europe.  Putin has … Continue reading

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America faces terrifying new threat

This post previously appeared on “As reported by Fox News, “Iran is preparing to launch a new long-range rocket into outer space as soon as this weekend, U.S. officials told Fox News…Officials told Fox they have not seen this … Continue reading

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Where is Our Strategy?

New reports surface weekly that remind readers of the Obama administration’s mind-numbing, even nonsensical approach to U.S. national security.  The president remains determined to close Gitmo and move those prisoners to U.S. soil.  He already submitted a plan to congress in … Continue reading

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Our Military Is Ready to Write – Not Ready to Fight

This column previously appeared in CNS News: “Let’s get right to the point: Congress should tailor the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) to ensure that any further force reductions target the civilian ranks and headquarters staff positions across the … Continue reading

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Women and the Draft

The selective service registration for American women has become a topic of much discussion and several presidential debates. There can be no debate that the most important title of the President of the United States is Commander-in-Chief. But it is … Continue reading

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Obama announces Gitmo appeasement plan

President Obama’s plan to close the Guantanamo Bay terrorist detention facility is ill advised and is reflective of someone who is disconnected from the realities of global Islamic jihadism. Campaign promises should not form the basis for national security policy. The conflagration … Continue reading

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Russia wants to fly over U.S. homeland

The Obama Administration often criticizes its opponents for living in the past.  Yet, the president continues to see the world through the Cold War lens of a progressive – that is believing American policy is the source of the world’s … Continue reading

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