Author Archives: Allen West

BIG! Senate Passes NDAA

The U.S. Senate passed its version of the National Defense Authorization Act. And after the Islamic jihadist attack in Orlando, there should be no malingering about the final passage of a strong NDAA. The veto threat from the Obama administration … Continue reading

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Fighter Aircraft and 21st Century Threats

Chris Wiley is a Veteran and Contributing Fellow for the NCPA: “Simply put:  the A-10 Warthog’s lethality and simplicity have ensured its longevity. I will get to the specific merits of the A-10 Warthog in a bit, but we must … Continue reading

Posted in Defense, Middle East, U.S. National Security | 2 Comments

SHOCK: Congress is finally doing something RIGHT, except…

This post originally appeared at One of the responsibilities I take very seriously as a result of having this platform is to keep y’all informed, especially my brother and sister veterans. Right now the House and Senate Armed Services … Continue reading

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The Hidden Enemy

This post originally appeared in my townhall column: “There is a Chinese proverb that states, “May you live in interesting times,” which has become a defining character of these times in which we are living. This new 21st century battlefield has … Continue reading

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The Decline of American Regard

This post originally appeared in West’s Townhall column: “When I was a Congressional representative from South Florida, one of the major concerns was beach re-nourishment, the process of pumping sand back onto eroded beaches. The district I represented was all coastline, from … Continue reading

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Who Do We Value in America?

The following originally appeared in my townhall column: “In this election cycle, the liberal progressive socialist left is going to the ideological bank to tout the important issue of income inequality. We will hear the incessant calls for a $15 … Continue reading

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Brussels Attacks are, Unfortunately, Not Surprising

Last week Saturday, a young Marine SSgt from Temecula California lost his life due to an ISIS Katyusha rocket attack against their firebase, several other Marines were injured. That same firebase was attacked by ISIS again on Monday. Now, you … Continue reading

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Why is Russia pulling out of Syria?

Vladimir Putin is redeploying some forces out of Syria because they achieved their military objectives, strengthened Iran’s position in the region, and kept Assad in power.  Expect the leader of Russia to now turn his attention to Eastern Europe.  Putin has … Continue reading

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America faces terrifying new threat

This post previously appeared on “As reported by Fox News, “Iran is preparing to launch a new long-range rocket into outer space as soon as this weekend, U.S. officials told Fox News…Officials told Fox they have not seen this … Continue reading

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Rules of Engagement for the 21st Century Battlefield

The following originally appeared in West’s Townhall column: “Rules of Engagement (ROE) is defined as a directive issued by a military authority specifying the circumstances and limitations under which forces will engage in combat with the enemy. In the history of … Continue reading

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